Acupuncture and Nutrition for Fertility and Reproductive Health

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IVF Support & Natural Fertility Melbourne

At The Fertility Pod, we support you to be in optimal health to maximise the chances of conception and to facilitate a healthy pregnancy. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally, with IVF support, or with other assisted reproductive treatments, we are there with you. Our experienced practitioners work with you for women’s health at any age—from menses through to post-menopause. The team at The Fertility Pod is a massive support system for you and your partner as you navigate the journey to becoming parents—providing acupuncture, Chinese…

the fertility pod Services


Acupuncture can assist when trying to conceive, whether naturally or with IVF assistance.

Acupuncture directly supports the reproductive system by reducing stress levels and increasing blood flow to the organs—improving ovarian function and the lining of the endometrium, among other benefits.

Nutrition &

Support reproductive health and fertility by improving whole body health. Studies show that the parents’ nutritional status at the time of conception can permanently influence their baby’s DNA, which can have an effect on the child’s health as they develop. 

Your naturopath will utilise diet, nutrition, herbal medicine, and lifestyle recommendations to improve nutritional status, balance hormones, improve egg health, support a pregnancy, and more.

Preconception care

The health of the biological parents impacts the likelihood of conception, and, if pregnancy does take place, the woman’s health affects the growing foetus, her experience of pregnancy, the birthing process, postpartum, and ultimately the child’s wellbeing.

The Fertility Team

Dr Julie Vecera shares
how she started The Fertility Pod

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